Practice Makes Permanent

Ashveer Bhayroo
2 min readDec 18, 2020

I created an app called Practice Makes Permanent. It is a habit tracker that can be used to improve your habits. Self improvement is no easy task; however with Practice Makes Permanent, you are thinking about what you are trying to improve on at least three times a day. The app has three models to make you think about your habits. You can set daily goals for your habits and track if you were able to accomplish them or not. You can also reflect on what made you successful or not as well. This reinforcement will lead to improvements in habits through small incremental changes. A friend once told me that you can practice something wrong and not get any better so you have to practice the right way. Practice doesn’t make perfect, practice makes permanent. I always strive to do things the right way and improve rather than be stagnant which is why I created PMP. This will help track my improvements and I hope others will find it useful and helpful as well. The app has full CRUD for all models. You can create, compare and reflect daily. The most difficult part of the app was the authorization and authentication. Incorporating it was difficult and rewarding as I have learned a lot about the relationships between models. I have also learned about the importance of planning and having a clear picture of what you are attempting to do. Throughout the project I constantly changed my models to reflect what I was trying to accomplish. If I had a better understanding of what I was trying to accomplish from the start, I would not have to have made so many changes. I am most proud of completing the app by myself. This was the first full stack application I built from scratch without the help of a team. It is a lot of work but extremely rewarding as it alleviates any feelings of impostor syndrome. In the future I am going to add analysis of the habits graphically and might even incorporate a point system to level up as you improve!

